Friday, January 29, 2010


Hi everyone! We have a NEW and IMPORVED site address, where everyone can share their favorite moments! Please visit Choatie Fail Moments

"Colin Trying To Squeeze"

So, I was walking back from lunch with some friends and one of them opened the door and they both went through. Being the lazy person I am, I tried to squeeze through. The door closed on my backpack. and I could not move. I had to call for help.

Fail Moment

Which One is Mine?

During a debate about which computer charger was mine, I held up both in question and said: "Which is mine?"

The response:

Ummm... maybe the one with your name written across the front?


Physics Phood Phight

Not to make excuses about my actions or anything, but Meg had been provoking me that day. So, after a particularly awful insult during dinner that day, I used the only comeback left to me: the good old pasta chuck.

Unfortunately, my physics teacher was walking past our table. right when I chucked the pasta. And I missed Meg. So, my Physics teacher got a pile of pasta on his shirt, and I got look from Meg that said "I-will-tease-you-about-this-for-the-rest-or-your-life-so-if-you-want-to-resign-from-school-right-now-go-ahead-because-it-is-the-best-course-of-action-to-salvage-the-scraps-of-your-life.

Luckily, that was the only FAIL I got in that class, my Physics grade is still above an F.

Another Volleyball Fail

Volleyball serves seem to be cursed here, at least when they are done by short girls you like to post on this site.

This is how it happened:

I had stayed after practice ended, to work on my serves, but I was sharing the gym with a couple of guys throwing a football. Most of my serves were going fine, but only a few hit the net. Only one hit a football player on the head. ONLY ONE I SWEAR!



Well for a long period of time, Aud and I had a conflict. So, I was making fun of her and said she was weird. She said that I should be worried because I hadn't seen anything yet. "A storm is coming" were her exact words. Well my response was "Yeah, well I'm lightning proof!" And she needed a comeback so she said "Yeah! Well I'm thunder-proof!" For those of you who don't get this, THINK! Thunder doesn't affect you so how is being thunder-proof so special? Yeah Aud, I'm thunder-proof too!

What Time is It??

Umm, I think it is one 'oh ten. Wait a sec....

Volleyball Failure

Well, I am the most clumsy person I know so it's not surprising that I am not a good athlete. Anyway, while trying to play volleyball, I decided to try to serve. Because I'm not so good, I started pretty close to the net. Maybe it's because I'm short but the ball hit the net and came back. I was that close and I still couldn't get it over. The worst part is that it happened several times.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Epic Battle of the Water Fountain

Here is your incredibly interesting, need-to-know fact that will help you on your path to world domination (we like to refer to pieces of info like this as iinkwd facts, pronounced eenkwid):

So, here it is: (drum roll sounds in distance)

You can't press both "buttons" on a water fountain at the same time! You can only press the right one, or the left one, not both. Well, you might say, so what? But this leads me to the amazing battle of the fountain which took place out our very own English Building.

The water fountain in question was a dinky little one, and it hardly gave any water at all. So, to make the water spout higher, we reasoned, all one had to do was push harder on more buttons. So Meg took one side and i took the other, and we pushed, but, to out utter amazement the buttons were connected! Sooooo cooool. So, of course, a fight to see you could push hardest on their side of the fountain ensued. Luckily, no one (I hope) was there to watch, or it might just have made the olympic book of fails. Anyway, it was still a

El Mesa

So, while studying for a Spanish test, I made flash cards. Perfectly normal. And, I messed one up. Also not very amazing, happens to everyone. I had started the flash card saying "El Mes..." only to find that the word I was trying to say started with an A. Not wanting to waste paper or anything, i decided to reuse the flash card. So, I finished the word with "El Mesa" Now, if you don't speak spanish this joke will be lost on you, so you can go leave now (and play farmville, that game is great). 
Anyway, i start some last minute cramming right before the period starts, and i come upon my re-used card, and I started cracking up. It really gave me reassurance to know that I could mess up a simple word like that. Even worse, it gave Meg just another excuse to make fun of me, but, I must admit, it was quite funny.

That Tree is DEFINITELY Dead

(location: Outside of HB404)

Enter: Meg and Aud

Meg: wow, look at that poor tree.
Aud: I think it's dead.
(Aud reaches to break of twig)
Meg: NOOOOO!!!! You KILLED it!

Enter: John

Meg: She did it! she did it!
John: Did what?

(awkward silence)

Exit: John
Enter: Hannah

Hannah: You, know, everyone could hear you in there.


Gravity Testing

On my way to physics, I began thinking about one of the topics we were studying: Gravity. Unfortunately, I didn't quite understand the concept, but I soon figured it out. The hard way. In a graceful, 360 flip in midair and a perfect landing...... ha ha jk. Actually, I fell flat on my face. In the middle of first period rush hour, with everyone watching. Including Meg. Lovely. (I was wearing white pants as well) So, the perfect way to explain my fall: Gravitational Force overtook my Stable equilibrium and I accelerated towards the planets center at 9.8 m/s^2. Don't you just love physics?
Welcome! This blog is written by three girls who fail quite often, and of course, wish to share their fail moments for your enjoyment. Because, trust me, you'll enjoy them.