Thursday, January 28, 2010

El Mesa

So, while studying for a Spanish test, I made flash cards. Perfectly normal. And, I messed one up. Also not very amazing, happens to everyone. I had started the flash card saying "El Mes..." only to find that the word I was trying to say started with an A. Not wanting to waste paper or anything, i decided to reuse the flash card. So, I finished the word with "El Mesa" Now, if you don't speak spanish this joke will be lost on you, so you can go leave now (and play farmville, that game is great). 
Anyway, i start some last minute cramming right before the period starts, and i come upon my re-used card, and I started cracking up. It really gave me reassurance to know that I could mess up a simple word like that. Even worse, it gave Meg just another excuse to make fun of me, but, I must admit, it was quite funny.

1 comment:

  1. For those of you who don't know, it is supposed to be la mesa. In spanish el mesa is terribly wrong nice job Aud!
